Dystopian City Description

By: MT, EM, HK & JQ

Sight image
The sight of death surrounded me, the broken smashed houses overlapping on top of one another. Shattered glass digging into me, while thugs stare like they never did before. All I can see is the black dark  ashes and flaming, red, hot fires,the fog blinded me, people smashing all kinds of objects including burnt down houses and aged cars, All inside one eery, gloomy city.
Taste image
As i took a breath in, i could taste the tension in the air. The horrid smoke filled my mouth and lungs with ash leaving my struggling to breath. The mistives people squirming past me left me with that awful bitter feeling on my tastebuds, traveling to my chest. The stench of garbage hit me strong on my tongue, it was as bad as walking through a deserted landfill.the taste of garbage was not all, i could taste the rotting bodies from every direction.
Feel image
As I crept through the darkness of night, I could feel the ash burning against my rough skin. A sensation of being grabbed on the arm rushed through me. As a phantom’s hand grasped my shoulder and a puff of breath landed on the back of my neck. A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of my neck then cascaded down my backbone. All I could do is just shiver in the death of night.
Smell image
The moment I set foot here, I could smell the rotting of garbage.The revolting stench that created was a nightmare, the foul fetor of the leaking gas was choking.But that’s not all, the malodor of the ghastly repellent of the dead bodies would knock people down unconscious.The ash was just terrible.It is like the moment you inhale it, you imagine your parents melting and screaming for help.
Hear image
Taking a step forward in this eerie city i could hear the garbage and rebel (below my feet) crunch as i step on them. I was not the only one there so this left me alert of everything around me. The scream and screeches of the fellow humans filled my ear. The fire dancing in the corner of my eyes let out a great crackling noise, destroying its surroundings. The sound of people slamming doors, hitting and breaking objects scared me to death. It was nothing like i ever saw before. The sound of whistling filled my body with shivers, were they coming closer?
Description image
The moment I set foot here, I could smell the rotting of garbage.The revolting stench that created a nightmare, the foul fetor of the leaking gas was choking.But that’s not all, the malodor of the ghastly repellent of the dead bodies would knock people down unconscious.The ash was just terrible.It is like the moment you inhale it, you imagine your parents melting and screaming for help. The sight of death surrounded me, the broken, smashed houses overlapping on top of one another. Shattered glass digging into me, while thugs stare like they never did before. All I can see is the black dark  ashes and flaming, red, hot fires,the fog blinded me, people smashing all kinds of objects including burnt down houses and aged cars, All inside one eerie, gloomy city.As i took a breath in, i could taste the tension in the air. The horrid smoke filled my mouth and lungs with ash leaving my struggling to breath. The mischievous people squirming past me left me with that awful bitter feeling on my taste buds, traveling to my chest. The stench of garbage hit me strong on my tongue, it was as bad as walking through a deserted landfill.The taste of garbage was not all, i could taste the rotting bodies from every direction. In this supernatural, mysterious city i could hear the garbage and rebel (below my feet) crunch as i step on them. I was definitely not the only one there, and that was never good. The scream and screeches of the fellow humans filled my ear. The fire dancing in the corner of my eyes let out a great crackling noise, destroying its surroundings. The sound of people slamming doors, hitting and breaking objects scared me to death.The sound of whistling filled my ears and filled my body with shivers. It was nothing like i had ever seen before.  As I crept through the darkness of night, I could feel the ash burning against my rough skin. A sensation of being grabbed on the arm rushed through me. As a phantom’s hand grasped my shoulder and a puff of breath landed on the back of my neck. A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of my neck then cascaded down my backbone. All I could do is just shiver in the death of night, were they coming closer?
